امروز چهارشنبه  ۲۵ مهر ۱۴۰۳

۱۴۰۱/۱۱/۲۳- ۱۳:۵۳ - مشاهده: ۵۳۳

متن سخنرانی سفیر در مراسم جشن سالگرد پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی

متن سخنرانی سفیر در مراسم جشن سالگرد پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

 -Honorable Minister of Liberation War affairs and member of parliament ,

H.E. Mr. A.K. Mozammel huq.

-Distinguished guests,

-Ladies and Gentleman.

 Assalumun alaykum and a very good evening to everybody.

 2-3 three years after the pandemic, I am delighted that we celebrate the 44th anniversary of the revolution in Iran and I welcome you all.

 44  years ago, in these days, one of the most popular revolutions of the 20th century was borne. A revolution that succeeded with the support of the people's role and presence in the social and political arena of the country under the leadership of Imam Khomeini and brought a system based on religious democracy to the Iranian society. For more than four decades, Iranians have played an essential role in determining their political and social destiny through democratic mechanisms and various elections.

 In the last four decades, despite the conspiracies and obstacles,  sanction, economic terrorism, maximum pressure and in the latest example of hybrid war, Islamic Republic of Iran has played an essential role in ensuring the stability and security of the region with heroic efforts in the fight against the phenomena of terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking. The foreign policy of Iran, based on the principles and values of the Islamic Revolution, has continuously defended peace, justice, rationality, independence and rejection of discrimination, aggression, intervention in internal affairs of other countries and foreign domination in the international arena.

On the eve of the 44th anniversary, The Leader of the Islamic Revolution agreed to the proposal presented by the Chief of the Judiciary for the pardon and commutation of sentences meted out to a significant number of convicts and defendants.


 It is a good opportunity to review some of the achievements of this important historical event in various fields.

After the revolution, Iran reached the 13th place of self-sufficiency in the production of agricultural products in the world and in spite of all the sanctions of the last four decades, it was able to get the 18th place of the world's largest economy. Iran became the largest producer of iodine in the Middle East and also took the first rank in the production of barberry and saffron in the world.

In the field of women developments, Iranian women actively and freely participate in various political, social, scientific, sports, artistic, etc. Currently, 55% of students, 40% of doctors and 33% of faculty members in Iranian universities are women.

Currently, there are 16 female MP in the parliament, as well as three female ambassadors abroad.

In the field of healthcare, after the corona pandemic in the world, in a short period of time, Iran succeeded in acquiring the technology of medicine for corona patients and made hospital protective equipment and breathing aids for patients, and became one of the top 10 countries in the world in the production of corona vaccines. The corona pandemic was contained by widespread locally produced vaccines. It should be noted that Iran ranks seventh in pharmaceuticals in the world.

Iran has been at the forefront of immense scientific and cultural advancements in Asia and the Middle East. Presently and despite all the unilateral, unfair and inhuman sanctions , Iran is experiencing a golden era in the field of science and technology. According to the reports released by the international scientific circles, the pace of Iranian scientific progress is eleven times higher than the average in many other parts of the world. Now Iran is ranked 16th scientifically in the world. The young Iranian scientists have achieved a swift scientific and technological headway in the last four decades owing to their thoughts of self-belief.

To that end , securing top places in medicine, Ophthalmology, production of Nano medicine (ranked 7th in the world ), bio technology, stem cells(ranked first in the region), Robotics science (ranked 4th in the world), , nanotechnology (ranked 4th in the world), High power laser(ranked 5th in the world), launching satellites into orbit , steel industry , etc.

Ladies and gentleman

Iran and Bangladesh enjoy deep-rooted cultural, language, religious and historical bonds including the 700-year-old presence of Persian language in the subcontinent as well as the belief  in Islam. Iran and Bangladesh have fought relentlessly for their independence and have sacrificed a lot of martyrs.

Our bilateral relations have been expanding and growing in different   areas. In the past, we have had the visit of the HPM Sheikh Hassina to Iran and the visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Bangladesh. We are determined to exchange the visit of high-level delegations between the two countries in future to foster more the existing cordial relations.

Bangladesh's recent economic and social progress and various infrastructure projects including the Padma Bridge are impressive as a symbol of Bangladesh's development under the wise leadership of HPM Sheikh Hassina. I congratulate in advance the entry of the brotherly country into the field of developing countries which will be realized in 2026.

Distinguished guests

To conclude, I would like to say that we consider every development and progress of Bangladesh as ours and I am sure same sentiments are with the government and the people of Bangladesh. I wish the best for the glory and elevation of the names of our countries.

 May Gods peace and bless be upon you all.

Thank you.

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